The Next Batch is Announced!!!!
*The Art Of Living* *ONLINE MEDITATION & BREATH WORKSHOP* *Learn* Yoga & Pranayama Sudarshan kriya Meditations Value based Processes Fun-filled Interactive Sessions *Benefits* Strengthen Immunity Emotional & Mental well being Creative Thinking Enthusiasm, Positive attitude *4 days 2 hours/day* *Date : 9 - 12 July 2020* *Morning Batch Registration Link* *Age 18+* : *6:30AM - 8:30 AM* *Afternoon Batch Registration Link* *Age 18+* : *3PM - 5PM* *Evening Batch Timing* : *7PM to 9PM* *Age 18 - 35 (Youth Special)* *For Registrations and Queries * 9673555599 9823111109 9373278592 8368122234 9403121223