"Whats in it for me?", "Why should I?", "Its my life, I don't need you teaching me how to live it", "I know everything and I have seen it all. Stay away." We look forward to such charged emotions for they simply show the fire in you. And if you are in the age group of 18 to 35, we give you new reasons to rebel! Rebel against that voice in your head which says you cannot achieve that life purpose, that dream, that passion. How about that voice which says you are not good enough, stars are not in your favor, its all her fault, pass the buck, and the one which puts you down and makes you sad. At times does not even let you think on what is it that you truly want out if these days on the planet. We are not here to teach you, preach you. That's what schools and colleges are for... We are here to introduce you to the most charming one in the world- Yourself. Are you in? There are secrets to the breath. Yup, that inhaling and exhaling that happ...
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